Putting modernization in motion to enable institutional innovation. 

Technology Foundations of Student Success 

As colleges and universities invest in technology to meet expectations for seamless access to resources and personalized, anytime-anywhere support, they must also lay the foundation for innovation moving forward. 

Woman sitting at a desk by large windows working on a laptop and taking notes

Cross campus leadership 

is essential to success

For education to continue to evolve, it requires the right blend of cultural and technological approaches from all stakeholders.

Solutions designed for Higher Education

Our expertise combines networking, edge cloud, collaboration and security for secure, real-time experiences on the campus and beyond. 

Illustration of a laptop screen with lines connecting to building icons in from of two clouds
Illustration of a robotic arm with a speech bubble representing tasks completed and an error for the arm
Illustration of an orange shield with a lock icon in the middle
illustration of a computer monitor with two people icons representing a video call

Easy procurement via contract vehicles

Get services that fit your budget with the right purchasing vehicle. Search by national contract, regional contract or specific solution.