Lumen help
You can add a trunk group to a route plan for a SIP Trunk service using Control Center. Typically, you add a trunk group to provide a failover option (for route plans with a sequential hunt) or to balance call volume between two or more trunk groups (for route plans with a percent allocation hunt).
Using Control Center, you can add port-forwarding rules for a Lumen Fiber+ Internet service.
Using Control Center, you can add firewall rules for a Lumen Fiber+ Internet service.
Once you create a route plan for a Lumen SIP trunk service, you can assign it to phone numbers on the service using Control Center.
Using Control Center, you can add 1:1 NAT rules for a Lumen Fiber+ Internet service.
Using Control Center, you can place an order for a complex toll-free route plan for a Lumen® 1+ Switched and Toll Free service.
If you no longer need a port-forwarding rule for Lumen Fiber+ Internet, you can remove it using Control Center.
Once your Lumen Fiber+ Internet service is enabled, you can set up wifi networks for it using Control Center: a corporate network, guest network, or both.
If you no longer need a firewall rule for Lumen Fiber+ Internet, you can remove it using Control Center.
Instead of applying the same filters and search criteria every time you view the list of services on an enterprise ID in Control Center, you can save the view to easily access it again.
If you no longer need a trunk group on a route plan for a SIP trunk service, you can remove the trunk group using Control Center.
If you no longer need a 1:1 NAT rule for Lumen Fiber+ Internet, you can remove it using Control Center.
If you no longer need a saved view of Lumen services for your organization, you can delete it from Control Center.
If you no longer need a Lumen Fiber+ Internet service, you can create an order in Control Center to disconnect it.
Using Control Center, you can create a connection between Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosted Connections and Google for your Lumen Dynamic Connections (Ethernet) service.
You can create a support ticket for a Lumen Dynamic Connections (Ethernet) connection if you need to troubleshoot an issue such as a failed connection, existing connection not working, or trouble disconnecting a connection.
Using Control Center, you can create a connection between Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hosted Connections and Oracle for your Lumen Dynamic Connections (Ethernet) service.
Using Control Center, you can view the status of available locations (UNIs) for creating connections using Dynamic Connections Ethernet.
If you no longer need Lumen to work on a security change request, you can close the request using Control Center.
Use Control Center to create and manage LNP tickets to communicate with the Lumen Local Number Portability team. For example, you can dispute a jeopardy, report a service outage, or request a project port.