Lumen help
You can reserve a generic or vanity toll-free number from Lumen using Control Center. After it's reserved, you can check whether its available, order it, or cancel an order you placed.
You can ensure callers terminate with a DID/ANI ring-to number and have the opportunity to speak with someone with the direct-trunk-overflow feature in Control Center.
Use the toll-free view and modify a call plan tool to make changes to your switched and Lumen Dedicated 8XX numbers in near real time using Control Center.
You can use the time-of-day feature in Control Center to schedule exactly when your calls should start and stop being transferred to a particular location.
You can terminate callers with a DID/ANI ring-to number, so they can talk to someone, rather than get a busy signal or be sent to voicemail. Use Control Center to add direct truck overflow to a toll-free routing plan.
You can change from a switched to a dedicated termination number for any toll-free routing plan. Your changes can also be activated within minutes in Control Center.
You can use the percentage-allocation routing feature in Control Center to automatically redirect a certain amount of your inbound toll-free calls to different locations.
You can change from a dedicated termination number to a switched termination number for any toll-free routing plan in Control Center. The change takes effect in a few minutes.
You can activate an alternate call plan for your Lumen Toll Free service you created at a moments notice using Control Center.
You can add a toll-free number to an existing group call plan in Control Center. After the number is added, any changes you make to the group will apply to that number as well.
You can use the day-of-week feature in Control Center to send your toll-free call traffic to a different location on certain days.
You can remove an alternate call plan for inbound calls to your Lumen Toll Free service in Control Center.
You can create a custom holiday in Control Center so you can reroute toll-free call traffic on days that are significant to your business.
You can delete DNIS information for a toll-free number using Control Center.
You can create and save up to 20 call plans using Control Center so they are ready to be used when you need to reroute calls at a moments notice.
You can delete a group call plan in Control Center should you no longer need it for routing your toll-free numbers.
You can change the termination number(s) for any toll-free routing plan in Control Center. The changes take effect in only a few minutes.
You can change the termination number for a toll-free number for any routing plan in Control Center. The changes take effect in a few minutes.
You can create a group call plan using Control Center to make managing your toll-free numbers easier. Make one change and have multiple numbers update automatically.
You can use the day-of-year feature in Control Center to redirect your toll-free call traffic on holidays that are significant to your business.